Frequently, on your birthdays people will ask you if you feel any older. Kiddo, you have been so happy and calm all day long, I wonder if your half birthday has actually made you feel differently... You were loving and happy and didn't cry all day long. You had a wonderful time with Punkin too! You drank your bottle and played and talked to him all night!
Happy halfie cuddler-frog...I hope you've enjoyed your first six months as much as I have!

I can't believe he's 6 months old! I want to eat him up!! This can't be the same baby I saw in July :(
really? a carton of paper box top for announcing 6 months? i'm so disappointed. you made me a birthday party - i know you're more creative than that. :) that said - i clearly need to teach him how amazing half birthdays are.....two days a year that are all about "you"! :) (hmm....i only now realize that perhaps that logic works best when you AREN'T an only child. :))
The tradition is to use whatever objects are around at his actual time of birth to write the month on and take the picture...I had just finished up a session - not too many things to use in my office :)
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