Friday, March 9, 2012

March 7th

You've been doing a lot of pointing at the camera lately.  Love it. 

We played, and went to Target and then to the city where we were welcomed into the lobby of my office by cookie monster and pac man!  That was a nice surprise!  Punkin came and picked you up and took you to Sarita and Whitney's house for a little bit where you were a little cranky but ultimately did some good flirting and realizing of the wonderful company you keep.  You came back to my office and we saw a GIANT moon!  So big that I didn't even need to do a close up on my phone to get a picture of it!  (I do wish I could have captured what it looked like a little better, it was beautiful)  We rounded out the day as it began, with playing and cuddles.  You have all of these toys that you're supposed to sort blocks into by shape... you know how to do this with some of the choose to throw them off the side of the bed or off of your high chair instead.  There seems to be a whole science behind where you throw what.  I'll keep watching and let you know if I can figure it out...

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