Monday, April 16, 2012

April 15th

We had a loooong day!  But a good one!  You went to Aunt L-E-E Lee's house while I worked for a couple hours, and you had a very good time.  You two need the bonding time, I'm really glad we spent some time with her today.  (OK. Maybe I need some bonding time with her babies are a very good excuse!)  We went to get appetizers and then to Target...where I almost let you get run over by a cart.  Sigh.  Thank goodness Aunt L-E-E Lee was paying attention!  I'm bummed we didn't get pictures of you two together...Clearly we need for you two to get together again soon.

We got home to an already present Aunt Beth.  That's the best kind, cause she can help us bring things in from the car. :) 
Everyone in the house was a little needy (you and the animals) and Aunt Beth was a TROUPER!...she also helped clean up quite an interesting mess that was made...Heh...Brilliant memory... 
You two played ball while we waited (and waited) for the pizza to come and by the time it got here you were READY!  Which is funny, cause you don't eat pizza.  You do suck on crusts though, and then give them to Peabody who I am very proud of for not grabbing them from you like she does with everyone else.  I think you're finally winning her over.  I also kinda think 'dog' might end up your first real word.  We shall see...

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