Thursday, April 26, 2012

April 24th

We played at G&G's for a bit and watched some clips with Grandmapa and then headed home for some naps and a reunion with Scout.  We played with Scout for about an hour...(if anyone is curious... you'd like a giraffe, it's your favorite'd like it to be red, it's your favorite color, you'd like it to eat milk, it's your favorite food and you'll call it Kai)

We had spaghetti for dinner.  You're such a good sharer that you tried to feed some to the spoon and the cat.  You really do share beautifully.  It's totally innate too...not that I wouldn't have taught it to you, but watching you do it instinctively is really quite amazing.  While playing ball with Grandmapa and me you went back and forth between us - like you wanted to make sure we both got turns. (Or you like for things to happen equally on both sides...I suppose it could be that too...dunno, we'll keep an eye on it. And no matter how it turns up I think you're amazing.)

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