Monday, April 30, 2012

April 29th

A day with Paula and Brennan!  My lord do you love Brennan.  Everything he does you just think it the most amazing thing ever...and not for seems pretty mutual...(once the computer is turned off.  You can't beat electronics when dealing with a six year old it seems)  Paula too is pretty enamored with you, and remains one of the only people with whom I can leave you - while you watch - that you don't freak out with.  It's so nice to see them.  If schedules allow we're going to try to make it more regular.  Brothers gotta have a good base to build their relationships so that they come back together after the years that they ignore each other.  (This whole paragraph is badly worded.  The point comes through though I think)

It isn't easy to get you and Brennan still in the same picture.  I've left a bunch of blurry ones's worth it :) and the tennis ball...

You and Brennan searched for Waldo while Paula made dinner, and then we were off...You were asleep immediately in the car and snuggled all night.  What a good day...

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