Sunday, February 12, 2012

February 11th

Today we went to New York!  You love seeing Bria, Lola, Steve and Rebecca...and you really love watching Bria run around.  I can't wait to see you two as you grow older...

We toured around Manhattan, and took some pictures in Time Square and then you melted down...This parenting thing is really a large lesson in learning lessons.  Moms should not ride in back seats with their babies.  You expected me to calm you down and hold you like I would anywhere else...usually in a car you're all about self-soothing.  My bad kiddo.  So, I stuffed myself down into the floor section of the car and with me out of sight you fell asleep.  The rest of the day was much more pleasant.  Isn't the new Stein casa beautiful?  We really liked their bathrooms...I want their shower, you liked their sink.

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