Sunday, February 19, 2012

February 17th

It's Grandmom's birthday!!  We ate some breakfast and then went over to Grandmom and Grandmapa's so that Grandmom and we could go to Babies R Us.  I have no idea how it didn't occur to me to take any pictures of you while we were there.  You were actually pretty happy in the cart with the cart cover - what a good idea those things are.

We got back to Grandmom and Grandmapa's and set up your new toy.  You put the balls in the hole!  You haven't been doing that with other toys!  I didn't even need to guide your hand to do it, you watched me do it once and then you did it!  You're such a smart boy...and while this isn't the only evidence of that, this one made me particularly happy.

We were going to go out for dinner with Grandmom and Grandmapa, but we decided that it probably made more sense to go home.  You've been pretty clingy lately, and restaurants aren't as forgiving as homes are for cranky little folk.  A few minutes after we came home though, Aunt Beth came over and we ate dinner with her and played for the rest of the night. pictures.  I don't know what happens to me with that.  I did catch your first eating spaghetti though!  You really liked it, though without teeth it wasn't the easiest of foods to eat.  So many firsts you've got coming, Mister!

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