Tuesday, May 1, 2012

April 30th

After a rather leisurely morning Grandmapa came over and discussed his carpentry ideas with you.  You set off to do it all, but decided instead to go to Target with me where every woman that passed you flirted with you.  You weren't such a flirt in return today!  Very unlike you!  You didn't get to nap at all though, I think that's probably got something to do with it.

When we got home, we planted some seeds (which I tend to believe won't do much) and then played with and watched some friends play around the yard.  We also got a tree planted in the front yard!  We have to take a picture of you touching the top...and maybe we'll start taking yearly pictures in front of it :)  It can be your Giving Tree - only...without any of the depressing parts...

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