You are so adorable with your stroller...look how proud you are... :)
This morning was like, the morning of Kai and the animals. For fourteen years I've been waiting for the relationship between my kids and two have certainly seemed to bond and are giving me the pictorial proof of it. Additionally, you and the cats are clearly making quite the impression on each other. I kind of wonder what your relationship with animals will be like when you're older. I imagine my abundance of pets as an adult is a direct rebellion against growing up without them (until my teenage years) and I wonder if you'll have no pets in reaction to having so many now. Or, ya a vet or certainly have a way with the animals...
You spent a bit of the evening with Papa...looking in the mirror, giving him a head massage... It's funny Sir, you always save your moody for me. People are going to think I'm lying when I say I think that you're sick or teething...
When we got home Brian was watering all our flowers for us. You two have a shtick every time we get home he hands you the deny it...he sprays you, you run away, then come back, then smile and stare at him. Gooooood times...
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