Friday, June 15, 2012

June 14th

You wouldn't nap at G&G's!  Well, you did eventually, but you were fighting it...As much as we're unconventional schedulers in this house, you really do have a fight naps pretty hard when we deviate... Luckily you were having a pretty good day anyway.  You ate breakfast with Grandmom, and then went to the playground...Last week you did just about all of the same things there, but last week you crawled the paths you walked today.  It's funny, I know that about you, but writing it just got me so emotional. This motherhood thing is gonna be the death of my poker face Mister...

You are walking well enough to finally play with your bubble blowing truck from Uncle Neil and Aunt Janice!  You can't see the bubbles in the pictures, but you sure love that thing!  You also love pushing (well...anything...but) the baby carriage.  We need to find some clothes for Jenny.  She's wearing a bracelet, but if memory serves she has tons of clothes... You did finally fall asleep, just in time for me to pull up.  

There was an absolutely adorable picture of you 'helping Grandmapa' with a section of fencing...but your eyes were closed.  That next to the pictures of you 'fixing' your cute.  I don't know how you got to like all these standard boy things...You really do just like tinkering with things and carrying them and flipping them over... Just so long as we know that it's coincidence that you like these things and don't believe that your being a boy is WHY you like them or are good at them I guess I'll give in to thinking it's fun to watch you doing them.  I'm even willing to play sports with you Kiddo.  If that's not love I don't know what is...

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