Sunday, June 17, 2012

June 16th

Ugh what a day!  Peabody was not doing well this morning...truth be told she ate a diaper yesterday and I didn't know that it could be lethal...She sure showed us this morning!  We went to two vets, our normal and an ER. There was a lot of waiting.  You moon crawled (crawled was so adorable, you had everyone in the waiting room smiling) and weighed yourself because we don't have a scale in our house...You played with the "dog" in the waiting room also.  You were having a relatively good day actually...Anyway, we got x-rays and blood tests, meds and fluids and they sent us home telling us not to feed her until tomorrow because she didn't feel well and we should let her stomach rest.  We were really worried.  She looked so miserable, and couldn't even walk on her own.  

You listened to that for just long enough to absolutely demolish the living room, and then you decided that Peabody was hungry.  She hadn't eaten for me (first time in 14 years that I've known her that she wouldn't eat) wouldn't touch anything I gave her - even people food.  You asked for puffs and I assumed I was feeding you, but you fed them all to her!  I don't think it's coincidence that that was when she started perking up either.  You amaze me absolutely amaze me.

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