Saturday, June 30, 2012

June 30th

We woke up EARLY today... You watered your plants, did some chalk yoga, got some caffeine in you and off we went to pick up Felicia "to get her out of the heat."  Kai, we did not get her out of the heat at all.  We ended up making her stay outside right in the thick of the hottest parts of the day.  She loves you though, so it was OK.  There's even talk of a playdate in our future!  (you did not drink Pepsi.)

We were already in their neighborhood...and it was a day ending in next we went to see Rosie and Dolly... and from there we went to see Grandmom at the pool.  You two had some fun, but there's something that's been bothering you.  I don't know if it's that we've had so many non-standard days in a row, or if it's the heat...or you're teething...Something's been up for a few days now though...Here's hoping it goes away soon though - you have a new whine accompanying this something that's up which I'm really not a fan of.  You definitely make me melt regardless, but it'd be so nice if the whining went away...

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