Friday, June 1, 2012

June 1st

We did not successfully get to the pool today with Quinn, but we did get to the playground in our bathing suits!  We all played with our new drum set, and we sang and danced to Scout...and Brooke - who is way more adventure-loving than your Mama - went down the slide with you...which led to all sorts of slide fun.  You climbed up it!  While I know that this is normal baby behavior, to your Mother, you invented friction today...I watched you learn what parts of you needed to be touching the slide as you climbed.  You're amazing.  There was one part where it was a little touch and go as to whether or not you'd be able to make it up, but Super Quinn helped.  Thank you cutie :)  I'm liking the Quinn playdates...he's good people. :)

We left that playground and headed over to another one near Rosie because we decided to see herfor a pre-party date. You share so beautifully with her...I mean, with everyone...but you seem to do her bidding for her.  You unload the boxes (shape sorting boxes) and hand her all the treasures inside...You're so sweet to watch together...

You got home and pooped right out.  I'm watching you as I type this and you look so cute I want to wake you and eat you!...But I won't.  Sweet dreams little man.

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