Monday, June 4, 2012

June 4th

What a strange day it was weather-wise...It was beautiful out and then dark and stormy and then back to beautiful...over and over again with no warning that the other was coming.  Just as soon as I'd give in to one of them being true for the rest of the day the other would take over.  During one of the sunny moments we decided to do a hand project I'd wanted to do for Mother's Day, and then for your Birthday... I wonder how long it'll take for your hand to outgrow mine.  I can't believe you're already out of my palm... 

We pretty much just played in the living room from there on in today.  Aunt Beth and Cassidy came over and hung out for a while, played drums with us... (well, Aunt Beth did, Cassidy ate crumbs from the floor and napped) and then we ate dinner with them...they left and we had the bath from hell (sweetie...what WAS that tantrum?!) and you've been pretty well asleep since.   Adorably asleep.  Cute little positions and noises... Sweet Dreams little man...

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