Sunday, June 3, 2012

June 2nd

Today was Rosie's Birthday Party, and you got to meet one of your MT Aunties and cousin!! First things first though...We went into the city to work for a few hours, and then met Brittny and Kashton for water ice.  They didn't think it was all that special...I wish Overbrook Water Ice was still open man... it was so good...

...after water ice, we snaked through the city for about twelve years until we got to Wynnewood...where we PARTIED!!! Two parties in a row!  Rosie's Birthday, and then Harmony's...Man, can you believe how lucky we are?  (No pun intended...I found another four leaf clover while we were there!) 

Kashton and Brittny are sweet as can be... I wish they lived closer...we could all get in a lot of trouble together.  The good kind of trouble.  

You totally wanted one of Rosie's toys.  Not just because I wanted it this time... YOU actually wanted one of her toys.  We're prolly gonna get it tomorrow.  

I love you!  I can't believe you and she are one!!

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