Thursday, June 21, 2012

June 20th

You love to feed Peabody now.  You actually start asking to feed her shortly after you wake up.  Maybe her eating your diaper connected you two in some weird way.  Gross.  

We took advantage of the living room with little furniture in it for a bit, and then off to work...except that it was too hot.  We went to see Dolly and Rosie instead...we played a bunch while we waited for Max to come home so we could meet up with Papa Punkin and pick up our new couch and chair.  (!!) With no prompting whatsoever you went over and got a broom and started sweeping.  (??)  I don't even know how to respond to that.  

Dolly entertained you and Rosie while we got the couches into the were apparently having lovely conversations with Rosie who has recently begun to talk your ear off.  You patiently smile at her.  Your dynamic is amazing... 

More playing once we got to our house while Max fiddled with the legs to get them on, and you went over and had man time with him.  We all ate some dinner (the adults more so than the littles) and then the animals came and approved the couches.  Here's hoping those cats don't "approve" with their claws...I'm so happy with them (the chairs and the cats) that I'd be pretty bummed to see anything happen to them.  Next step (besides cleaning of course) is to get some art on the walls.  

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