Monday, June 18, 2012

June 17th - Dada's Day...

You are so sweet to have sent a card to me through Dolly and Max...I'm a lucky lucky "Dada..."  And I love you too...

So the position you are in in that first picture...that's not you trying to climb, that's just how you choose to stand a lot of the time.  Also, when you're sleeping, you like for one leg to be out of the covers...or even higher than that, sometimes you grab my arm to put underneath your leg so it can be higher.  I'm so curious to see if this is how you'll always sleep...

We woke up to a MUCH healthier and happier Peabody...Hallelujah!  So, feeling comfortable leaving her for a few minutes, we went and got me a ordered too.  You spent a lot of time today checking on Peabody.  I don't know how you get things, but you sure do seem to.  You kept walking over to her and proclaiming that she was your doggy...and petting and loving on her.  You're so friggin sweet.

All of the seeds we planted started sprouting enough that we thought it'd be a good idea to spread them into their own pots.  I love that you actually sowed these seeds :)  I hope ONE turns into a flower at least!

We rounded out our Father's Day at G&G's... Most of the pictures there are action shots...You are so sweet with Grandmapa... You interact more with Grandmom, but the individual interactions with Grandmapa all seem so tender or something...

Love you kiddo.  I'm so lucky.

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