Sunday, August 26, 2012

August 23rd

We started off our day in a very long line at the Post Office...where we got two packages (BOTH for you!!) before heading over to Grandmom and Grandmapa's.  You watched some TV and napped a little bit and when I came back to their house you and I ate and then headed out to Yapple.  We all (Dolly, Rosie and we) (and you and I?  I don't know if 'we' is acceptable grammatically.  It seems like it should be, but I don't know that I've ever heard it.  I'm sure Grandmom will let us know) wanted to celebrate being about to hang out on a Thursday because I've been working every Thursday and Dolly is about to go back to work.  Boo.  This was a horribly constructed paragraph.  Moving on...

Yapple was delicious as usual, but the acoustics in there really do not lend themselves to toddler screams.  You've got a good set of lungs on you kiddo... You will never need a microphone - that's for sure.  

We went back to G&G's and saw Courtney and Demi!  Finally!  It has been since December!!  Demi offered you her bow, so like a gentleman you accepted and wore it for much of your play date.  You don't look so bad in a bow Mister...You pull it off better than I would!  You are hopeful that you and Demi will be hanging out more in the near future.  No more of this waiting for 7+ months to see one another.  Ridiculousness I tell you.  

You might be having some loud and cranky moments these days, but you remain the sweetest sweet that ever sweeted... 

...and I apologize for there being so many pictures of you in bows on this post. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"We" is correct ('cause it's part of the subject of the sentence).
