Friday, June 22, 2012

June 22nd

We had such a busy and long day!  You woke us up EARLY, and though we did get to nap a little bit, our alarm went off an hour earlier than we needed it to.  Your mother has not been so great with schedules lately.  We did get to hang out in the community center for a while, which was fun for you.  You climbed so many stairs!  I get tired walking up them, I can't imagine what it did to you!  Well, nothing is the answer actually, you'd have done it again if I'd brought you back to the bottom.  

After the city we met up with Tara and bought you some shoes...then we had frozen yogurt.  Yum!  While we were at the yogurt place we ran into Grandmom's friend Shelly!  She recognized you right away from Grandmom's bragging! :)  Grandmom sure does love you...

Tara was the first friend to know that I thought I was pregnant with you!  She thought that I was crazy for thinking I was, but I knew it.  (until I didn't and was positive that I was never going to get pregnant)  I can't believe you two had never met!!  We didn't get a whole lot of quality time, but we will in the future I'm sure.  We'll plan it out better next time.

From there we went to Rosie's grandparents' house for dinner.  (we're so lucky to have them in our worlds...) After dinner and some hanging out we went BACK to frozen yogurt!  What a lucky day we've had!  While we were getting the yogurt there were teenagers outside the window from us...and the boys were being such...stereotypical teenage boys.  Sweetie, I know that some things are normative for certain ages...that there is a level of teenage behavior I'm going to need to accept...and I will.  I'll work hard to be as OK with and comfortable with it all as I can be.  That's so important to be respectful of the people around you and yourself...the stories you tell are being heard, the things you do are being seen...It may seem obnoxiously simplistic to say, but you are a compilation of all of the things you do and say...certainly other things too, but thinking of you being one of those boys out there tonight hurt.  Ugh.  Thankfully I have years to talk about this all with you.  It'll hopefully get less clumsy as time passes :)

When we got home tonight I went and did a load of laundry and made the bed...while I was doing that, you were happily playing with your toys...until you got inside of your drum and got stuck there.  Oh sweet little man...I'm sure you could have gotten out of there, but I couldn't let you suffer.  Ya know...for longer than it took to take the picture ;)


tls said...

It was wonderful to meet you Kai! I wish I had more time with you and your mom, but I didn't plan thing so well. I hope to see you again soon... Tell your mom how much fun you would have in Boston! You are a lucky guy to have such a fun, sharp momma. And she is a lucky lady to have you!

tls said...

Oops... That was from Tara by the way. Much love to you both!