Wednesday, July 18, 2012

July 17th

What a wonderful Birthday I had!  You were in largely good spirits all day, we slept in, we took a long nap...we went to the pool with Aunt Brooke and Quinn and Judy and Kathy.  The pool was the only time you were fussy all day, and even then wasn't really all that bad.  As it turns out, I think you were in the final stages of popping out a tooth on the top.  I can feel it now, it should be here any day now.  (Don't worry, there's a picture of your gummy smile pre tooth arrival...)  (I'm sure you were worried.)

Giant nap in the car and tons of playing and cuddling when we got home.  I actually went to sleep at the same time as you did because we were so tuckered!  Thank you for spending my birthday with me kiddo.  I had such a relaxing and wonderful day :)

We have to get a picture of you next to a Tony Luke's cheese steak for comparison to last year.  I was going to go today, but wasn't in the mood for a cheesesteak because it's so hot out.  No excuse, I know.  In the next week we'll go.  It was almost as big as you last year!  

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