Thursday, July 26, 2012

July 23rd

When we wake up you eat for a while, and then once we actually move a little bit Peabody starts insisting that we get up and take her out immediately.  We head downstairs and we take her out, and I put you into the living room while I feed all of the animals.  You are not pleased to be behind that gate.
After she eats we all go out and play on the porch before it gets too hot.  You delivered the milk...and once it was in the fridge we went back inside and took a nap...and snuggled and giggled.  We saw Aunt Jackie and Soshawn and Sayeer and Sha, and we watched Aunt Jackie brain someone's hair.  You only tried to eat one bead...

When we got home you ate a cucumber.  You sat with the cucumber, you danced with the cucumber... Amazing.  

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