Saturday, July 7, 2012

July 5th

Grandmapa dropped off your new kitchen set!  Oh Mister you were so went outside and made me a fresh pot off coffee straight away.  (Thank you!)

I went to work and you hung out with G&G...You pretty much napped the whole time!  When I got there I napped too, and Grandmom was the only one awake in the room with all four of us in it.   We woke up and went downstairs and you walked over to me...and your diaper fell right off of you!  It just dropped right onto the floor.  Fascinating...

When we got back from G&G's there was a slide dropped off too!   Oh my GOODNESS are we having a run of toy luck!  Thank you Harmony!!  We spent the rest of the day playing outside with all our climbed the slide, you made some brownies in the (ate and then) played with chalk...You're actually drawing with it now.  It's so cool to watch you mastering things... You have to go to the doctor tomorrow :(  Boo to shots, but yay for getting to hear the doctor say "Kai is a healthy and smart young man who is growing and progressing beautifully for his age.  I have no concerns."  I love to hear it...

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