Saturday, July 7, 2012

July 7th

Ugh. I had forgotten that that happened.  I ripped the handle off of the door by accident.  Bummer.

So you, Sir, were in a largely good mood today!  Hallelujah!  I mean, you trashed the house while I ran up for literally one minute to the bathroom...but outside of that you were a doll for most of the day!  (you have, however, started the official toddler tantrum - throwing yourself onto the floor and everything...)

We saw butterflies on our flowers, climbed the slide, you put a straw in a juice box all by yourself (?!?!) and then saw TONS of people!  You met Greg, Papa Punkin's friend from college, and Grandmapa and Paula came all at the same time!  Grandmapa left pretty quickly, but you have him the biggest smile when you realized it was him...So sweet you two are... You and Greg got along famously...We like him.

Paula spent the day with us, and Dolly and Rosie came over too...It was a very full day, but a super good one!  So many people we love came and loved us!  And you were so not whiny!  Here's hoping for many returns on all those fronts!

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