Monday, July 30, 2012

July 27th

A lesson in procrastination Kai...I'm four days behind in updating the blog.  I keep needing to just go to sleep when you do...cause,'re exhausting.  But this just leads to blog lag...which no one likes.  It makes for uninteresting and list-like posts...and frankly?...I'm still exhausted.  No one wins.  Procrastinating is only really worth it when you're having fun.  You heard it here first.  I'm now going to write as though I wrote the posts when they were supposed to be written, though you're going to know that.  Sigh.  

So.  We were going to stay home all day, but really that just meant that we were overbooked and couldn't make up our minds what we were going to do.  We ended up at Kath's house and hung out with her kids Dennis and Ciera, Dolly, Rosie and Kath.  You and Dennis have been 'buddies' since before you were even born, but now you can say you are for real because you finally met in person.  We had so much fun!  That has to be a regular event...

We went to Target and shopped a pretty amazing you some presents for the future (which I always find hilarious when you're in the cart with them...cause you have no idea...) which you had a great time doing the FIRST time we did it...but your Mama forgot that the REAL reason we were going to Target was that we needed to buy cat food.  So we went to another Target and you were not pleased.  We finally got home....but we came home to a bird struggling on the sidewalk in front of our house, so I packed your miserable self back into the car and we went to Wissahickon Animal Wildlife...something or other.  You wouldn't stop crying unless I sang Sweet Baby James, so I sang and sang until we got which time the bird had let go of her struggle.  We decided that she was happy to be listening to music in her last few minutes.  Poor l'il lady...  We did get to see a goat and some chickens and roosters while we were at the wildlife place...that's always a good time.  I wish we could have chickens.  And a goat really.  Let's go to the zoo.

You invented a new way to drink from your sippy cup - ha... I have nothing more to say to that one...or any of the nighttime pictures actually...every little thing you do it an amazing little nugget of hilarity.  

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