Saturday, July 21, 2012

July 20th

A day of playing and naps...that's what you had.  I cleaned a bunch, as did Grandmom, who came over to hang out with you while I got some things done around the house.  

You look like such a little person!  I know that you are, in fact, a little person...but you were a baby-like baby so recently that it's still taking some getting used to seeing you so person...y....  You also happen to look particularly cute in this shirt.  Brennan had the same shirt, and also looked particularly cute in it.  I wonder if we bought it in enough sizes that you two can wear it at the same time ever...

Today's favorite toy was the duplo... So much so, in fact, that I'm wondering how often I'm gonna hide it from you.  I've started a new collection of pictures: things Kai decides to spend copious amounts of time trying to balance on Mommy's head.  Fun times are clearly about to begin...can you feel it?

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