Tuesday, July 31, 2012

July 30th

We went to the zoo!  I think I can safely say that your favorite of all of the things that we saw...was the books.  No, really...you loved the goat...though I loved the goat more...and really the goat loved me even MORE... You loved walking around on your own...Once you knew were to be focusing your attention you did seem to really like the things you saw.  You said duck when you saw the ducks and when I said "look at the monkeys!" you made the noise that monkey's make!  My brilliant little man... (OK, and seriously...look how sweet you and Rosie are together...)

We went to dinner... where you made me feel like I never want to go to dinner ever again.  You screamed louder than should be possible for a creature your size little toddler...but once we were in the car I was over my angst...not true.  It was still here for about an hour after we'd gotten home.  But the level had significantly decreased by the time we were in the car.  You seemed to know I'd need my space though...when we got home you were so independent... I can't believe you didn't fall straight to sleep!

Of note:  Dolly saves my butt on the regular in public when I'm about to melt down.  We both owe her thanks Kiddo... Although, you're pretty good for her...so maybe you already thank her, I owe her thanks, and you owe ME! :)  I kid...

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