Tuesday, May 15, 2012

May 13th

I woke up to cards and coffee and breakfast...bacon.  It was a lovely start to the day...Happy Mother's Day to me :)  Thank you for having me as your Mom kiddo...I got so crazy lucky with you...

You had a pretty good start too!  Lauren and you played for a while, until she went outside and worked out with Uncle Stu.  You and I went upstairs, you played with the toys in the loft and took a particular liking to the piano...and, of course, the remote.  From there Julia, you and I went on a walk "in the stroller."  You lasted about 15 minutes before you wanted out.  At least it wasn't 104 degrees out while I was carrying you for 30 minutes.  I think it only got up to 102.  You fell asleep, and we actually went right into the pool with you still asleep!  You sleep giggled...you sliggled...it was pretty adorable.

When we came inside Uncle Stuman was sitting on the couch and you two stared at each other for a bit...and then he whispered secrets to you.  You kept asking him to tell you more and more secrets!  It's clear watching the two of you that you share some sort of secrets...you look at him with such awe!  Maybe it's cause he's made of iron?  Or maybe it's a guy thing and I'll never get it.  (heh...not that I'll ever be made of iron)

You and I went to Target because, well, your Mama packed everything for her baby except diapers.  Well, that and that Target is clearly our thing... You kept falling asleep in the car, but like...even on two minute car rides.  I wonder what they do about seat belt buckles and car seats in general here in this heat - I nearly burned myself, I was kind of scared that you would too!

While I was 'getting ready' for our evening festivities Aunt Dania and Julia hung out with you.  Aunt Dania sounds EXACTLY like Elmo when she wants to!  I was pretty amazed at how you were so happy with them!  Not that you don't adore them, because you do...this whole family...you're gonna sorely miss them kiddo...sigh.  Anyway, not that you don't adore them, but because I was in the next room - you knew I was there and you were still content!  You all moved into our room and played some more, and then when I came back Julia and Aunt Dania (and ultimately Lauren as well) acted silly for your camera - I think they'll be a separate post :)  

And to end it all off we went to the pool with a great family and "watched the newlywed game."  We played in the pool for a little while and ate dinner, played some more, talked some more...It was a very nice place to spend an evening...You slept on Uncle Stu and got handed off to A<#unt Dania (the transfer) which you slept through (!) and then even continued sleeping while walking to the car.  Pretty impressive.... Pretty impressive to everyone involved.  

When we got back home, you and Lauren played for a bit.  She read you stories and we tucked her in :)

All in all a pretty fantastic first Mother's Day... Thank you's to everyone involved in it!  And a very happy Mother's Day to all Moms who read this - if it's your first read I think you should probably just count it as Mother's Day...in a continuation effort!  Let's be honest - all Moms could use another day.  I love you to pieces little Manly.  


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You have no idea how wonderful it is for me to see you brother, sisters, aunts, uncle and cousins enjoying each other!

I love you all so much!
