Tuesday, May 29, 2012

May 28th - One Year!!!

You fell right back to sleep after I sang.  I can't believe you're one.  (Well, legally.  Officially at that point you weren't yet one.  You're not officially one until the pictures with you holding the one at the bottom)

We had birthday cuddles, and then Punkin and Paula and Brennan came over!  Punkin somehow got only his legs in one picture... I promise he was there.  We were waiting around the house for Dolly and family to drop off your birthday present, and played in the ball pit until they came.  Dolly gave you a birthday kiss and then Paula Brennan and we were off to the pool!  

You are a water baby if ever I saw one!  You LOVE the water...and had so much fun with all of us in it.  Paula took some great pictures (that we'll be getting at some point soon) of all of your birthday fun.  

After some more picture taking you and I went to G&G's for dinner and ice cream cake!  You don't really like cake, but you LOVE mint chocolate chip ice cream!...and watermelon :)  We played a bit and read a bit before your birth time pictures.  You have started singing "Do- Re- Mi" (not quite that enunciated) which is amazing...oh kiddo I love you I love you I love you!!   

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