Wednesday, May 16, 2012

May 14th

We woke up and got measured in the Arizona Schulman's garage (you're the lowest line so far!..I was the lowest at Uncle Billy's'll be so fun to watch you all climb that wall!) and then said goodbye to Uncle Stu.  It was so great to see him... You took to him instantly - it was pretty amazing. Aunt Dania and I were talking about it and wondering if you remember him or if you're just a very mood based and in tune little guy... 

We went swimming while the girls were at school, and napped a bit.  When the girls got home you played in the "kitchen" with Lauren while Julia did homework.  Lauren also read to you for a lot of the afternoon.  Julia and I came up with what we think your signature will be...Hidden here on the blog, I wonder if we'll even remember to look and see if it's the same...

We did a cousin's photo shoot and then a cousin's 'first birthday cake.'  You were hilarious...and so unlike any other baby any of us has seen...we gave you the cupcake and you loved a taste or two, but then you were done.  You had no interest.  So I tried to get you interested and then you decided you wanted the monkey cupcake.  You were hopped up for about 3 minutes and then CRASHED.  The family thought it was so funny...

We brushed our teeth before bed! 

We're having so much fun!! We don't want to leave!!

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