Monday, May 28, 2012

May 27th

I can not believe that this is the last day that you're under a year old.

We spent the day with Dolly and Rosie...We went to Target, where you were in one giant melt down the entire time EXCEPT for when you got to push the carts.  Five year olds can kind of push the cart Man, Zero year olds?  I trust them a little less... In fact, ask Brennan!  He's SIX and I don't let him push the cart very often!  (Please excuse your flower head band.  Though you actually looked quite pretty, you were in it because Dolly sometimes takes a while to go through sections in stores...and sometimes I need to be occupied.  Rosie also needed to be occupied.  She may or may not have thrown around a rice cake or two...

After Target we went to get my hair cut.  Dolly "babysat."  Two of you is not easy...

We then moved on to eat.  Rosie slept, you...babied.  You were into and on top of everything.

We came back to our house and played in the ball pit!!  You and Rosie actually played together!  You rolled the big ball back and forth, but you also went into the ballpit and gave her a ball, then went back in and...oh, you'll see...

You had a long tiring day Mister... When you wake up it'll be your birthday!!!

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