Thursday, May 31, 2012

May 30th

You were a rock star were so good while I was at work... 

You went to the playground with Punkin and you smiled and laughed and did a lot of people watching. Such handsome men you are...which was even commented about by the way!...

We came home and ate some cuted everywhere you were and everything you did.  (Yes.  Cuted.  You are a cutest.  You cute often and today you cuted everywhere...)  

So.  For a while you were making this noise...I couldn't figure out what you were door? "DooooooWA!" Over and over again... Any repeating I did of the sound you were making didn't seem to please you like mirroring you tends to do.  Then I remembered that you were saying "Doh" at G&G's where there's a Do-Re-Mi I started singing the song like the book does it and you were so happy!  Video to follow...

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