Friday, May 25, 2012

May 24th

After a lovely early morning nap you went to G&G's for a (longish) work day.  You had such a great time!  You played in the grass while Grandmom planted flowers, and then you slept for over an hour with ate Cheerios and yogurt (and didn't finish the whole yogurt even though I wasn't there to be eating it along with you...which is good to know...I sometimes worry that I'm stealing food from you.  Yours is so good!  Adult food so rarely contains as much fat...)  You two went for a walk to the drug store and you held a ball you found along the walk.  (And when I say 'held' I mean held...not threw over and over to make Grandmom fetch and return....another fascinating bit of info gathered today...) 

When I got to you you were SO excited to see me!  You speed crawled over to me and collapsed into my lap.  It was just the greeting I was hoping for.  I missed you so much!  

We all ate dinner (you don't love being in your high chair if you could be sitting in my lap...tonight we had sharp knives though)  You ate your yogurt holding the spoon all by yourself! (very loose definition of "ate")  After dinner we played a bit with your drum (1,2,3....1,2,3...PLAY with MEEE) and you played with Grandmom and your laptop...(I love you. Kai?) ...and then we went home.  You sang the whole drive home and fell asleep almost immediately after getting in.  I didn't even get to change you into pjs!  

(Mister...I don't remember which post it was...maybe when you were about to be a month old?  But I remember writing before that it was silly to be sad about some calendar anniversary you were passing...that it's really has so little to do with anything...but as we get closer and closer to your birthday I'm having to work pretty hard at not getting emotional about it.  I remember your first week thinking to myself that it was the first Sunday I'd spend with you...your first Tuesday...your second Saturday, but first at home...We're almost out of your first days!  As you grow up, you'll get to know about me that I can kind of close a door when I get super emotional... push on pretending that I'm not aware of the things behind the door...I haven't figured out why I'm telling you this right now.  I've tried to finish this paragraph like twelve different ways.  I've erased and rewritten most of it.  I keep not being about to get rid of that thought I'm sure it means something...or will some day.  Heh...your Mama is crazy...)

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