Thursday, May 10, 2012

May 8th

You play with the normal toys in really strange ways and make toys out of the strangest things...Heh...jugs...sigh...

We went to the Post Office and you read up on signing up for selective service (which I didn't know people still had to do, and I don't like it very much) while we waited in line to pick up your birthday present from your MT cousin in Bermuda!  (So exciting!!!)

Once we were done with the present opening and excitement your mood changed dramatically.  You were suddenly incredibly clingy and screamed whenever we weren't touching.  It was alternately super sweet and rough going there for a while...You played your "piano" and had me talking on the "phone" for a very long time - you wouldn't talk! - and then Aunt Beth came and took you for a walk.  Thankfully I had recovered a bit by the time you got back, and though you remained in that mood for much of the rest of the day, we also had some fun and funny moments when we weren't attached to one another - you climbed into the ball box!  Silly Silly Monkey!

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