Sunday, May 20, 2012

May 19th

Oh Manly...We did not have an easy day.  You're so stinking Gemini right now I don't even know how to express it... Sweet as pie or flipping out...not much in between.  It's not helping that I have so much to do, but lordy, you're not wanting to spend a second away from me! (While I'm working...when I'm not you're perfectly content to be on your own...silly exhausting man...)

We went to Max's birthday party (!!) and played with Rosie...packed and unpacked the beverage cooler - making sure to rip off all of those pesky straws from the juice packs... ate some ice...watched some jumbo bubbles fly through the air...called Dolly by her name!!!!

After the party, we went to Dolly Max and Rosie's (heretofore known as DMR's) house to finish up some more party things.  While I was cleaning up...guess who walked?!?! (Video to follow...the first two steps I didn't get taped, but the next two times I did...I'm counting the second video as your official first time walking - because it was so many steps!!)

So...I lost my temper with you a bunch this morning, and I'm really sorry.  While I maintain that when you're being yelled at for an hour it is difficult to not follow suit, "difficult" is not "impossible."  I promise I'll try harder...both to not yell and to calm down and try to understand what you're trying to say in the first place.  I love you Mister Man...

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