Friday, September 30, 2011

September 30th

Dolly and Rosie came to visit us today!  Your foot next to her foot is crazy, Monkey!  You're such a big boy!  I'd be excited for you to get measured at your next doctor's appointment if it didn't also mean you had to get shots.  We really just sat around talking all day.  Not too much more than that.  You two were steady chatting throughout the day though.  Your voice, like your feet, seem so much bigger than hers!  She captivates you though, it's pretty funny to watch.  And we have a whole picture we've made up about what your relationship will be like.  Silly Mommies...

September 29th

Another work day means another day on Haines!  You have so much fun with Jackie and Shai and Shaniah!  You don't nap all day long, and when you get home you're POOPED!  You fell asleep at 7 tonight!  I thought we were just going to cuddle for a little bit, but the next thing I knew you were out.  I didn't even get to change your clothes!

Thursday, September 29, 2011

September 28th - 4 months!

Well my little honey apple, not only are you 4 months old today, in the Hebrew calendar you were conceived a year ago - Rosh Hashana.  I'm sorry to all familial blog readers who are saddened by this next statement, but sometimes I wonder how much Judaism is going to play a role in your life.  Anyway, we at the very least have dinners for the holidays, and I ate apples and honey - so you had your first taste of them too.

Brooke and Quinn came over - you two have a fairly small repertoire of reactions to sitting next to each other so far.  I really do imagine every two months having pictures that look just like this, only you're both bigger and bigger... Ridiculously cute, you two. 

So Rosh Hashana dinner.  Ya know?  I'm not claiming to be in a particularly good mood these last few days, which apparently has some negative effects on folks.  That said, you hung out with Faina, and played with Grandmom, Grandmapa fixed up your eventual high chair so that you could sit in it (but it didn't really work for your size yet) and you seemed largely happy.  Well, no. You were fussy, but didn't seem unhappy.  And while you weren't fussy you were charming and chatty as usual.  

So I feel I should explain the terrible last picture...I knew I'd be in the car for your birth time, so I took a preemptive official pic, and then snap one at your birth time.  Thankfully it came at a red light :)