Sunday, January 25, 2015

January 21st

You're breaking my heart with the "Mommy, I'm SIiick..."  and during the moments leading up to that sentence.... I've got to say though, outside of those moments everything seems totally normal!  I suppose we're sleeping an awful lot, and you really don't want to leave bed at all if you can help it. You have such a terrible cough!  Snuggle, play, snuggle, play...snuggle.  Sweet boy...

January 20th

Still no school, and you aren't feeling perfect...but we decided that we needed a trip out with Ella and Romy to the pizza maker!  I mean, what isn't fixed by that combo, right?  

Your cold as it turns out.  You're still pretty miserable.  Aw, honey, I'm so sorry... You're sick, then so tired that you're hysterical, then you're totally fine.  You sneeze, then you're fine.  You helped me with some scream... Is it time to go to the doctor you think?  The cough is so bad when it's happening... but you're so perfectly fine when it's not!  So strange...

January 19th

Happiest Sicklet EVER!  Except when you're coughing.  And, actually, for the first time in your life you're actually complaining about not feeling well.  You'll cough and then say "Mommy, I sick..." with these pathetic gorgeous're getting pretty much whatever you want right now.  I don't want you to learn from this that all you need to do is be sick to get what you want...but ya wouldn't be wrong that it was effective.

We didn't think that we were going to get to, but we talked to Papa for a while.  Are you starting to call him Dad?  Jury is still does seem to have started happening more lately...

We're watching tons of Octonauts during this sickness...good show!