Monday, October 31, 2011

October 30th

You spent a lot of time rolling and playing in your jumper today.  Aunt Beth also came over and loved on you for a bit.  

You've been an angel lately except for about 20 minutes a day when you're...well...a cranky angel.  But you give me the closest and most intentional hugs.  It's amazing.  You're such a big boy for so much of the day, and then all of the sudden you're my little classic cuddly baby.  I hope that never changes Froggy, I hope you're an amazing man some day doing amazing things in the world...and also have daily moments of sensitive cuddly and connected.  My little frog happily and meaningfully living in the forest and his tree.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

October 29th

We slept til about 10:30.  Well, you did.  I went and took care of the animals and had my outside time...when I realized that it wasn't just raining there was snow mixed in!  It turns out that you were upstairs dreaming about your first snow... coincidence?  Or did you create the snow?  Unclear...

We played with blocks, and read our Leap book for the first time... We went outside to try to get you a picture in your first snow (not just the dreaming version) but you really haven't been feeling well, so I took one picture and hoped that you'd be able to see the snow in the background.  

You are also now rolling a ton and trying really hard to crawl.  Your inability to do so yet has started what I have now dubbed the week of extreme screaming.  Here's hoping it's only a week.  The up side to your fits is that it seems like Mama hugs seem to be the cure.  We hug and rock and you get perfectly calm... 

Saturday, October 29, 2011

October 28th - Five Months!!

 bnhhhhhhhhhhhhhhfbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbfdddddddddss          nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn n   nbv                                                                mmmmnjbngiuhg1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111              cccccccccccccv`````c` `
(you wanted to write a little)

We went to work today and played with Alison for a little bit.  We went on so many errands after work, by the time we were home we were both exhausted!  But you didn't want to sleep - or KNOW that you wanted to sleep anyway.  So, we did a lot of whining...and a lot of screeching.  The Indigo Girls had a live show on XPN, so we streamed it on the computer and had a dance party...a two person dance party.  I'm not gonna lie, I'm hoping some day you grow up to dance a whole lot better than I do and you can lead.  I'm a much better dancer when I don't have to lead.  

Dancing and taking your 5 month pictures finally tired you out.  I hope we get some more sleep tomorrow.  Or at least that you feel a little better.  Or maybe learn to talk so that  I can fix whatever is hurting or frustrating you.  I will say though, I tasted the medicine that I've been giving you and it's so bitter.  "Berry flavored" my butt!  I'll get another brand... sorry about that Monkey.

Friday, October 28, 2011

October 27th

You went to work with Grandmom for a few hours, and hung out with Laura, Alyse, Alexandra, Halina, Barbara, Lisa, Mary, Carol and (of course) Millie - Grandmom's "lunch crew."  I called to check on you after you'd been there for about 45 minutes and there were cries of "We're not ready yet!" heard in the background because no one wanted you to leave and they thought I was calling because I was there to pick you up!

When I did pick you up, you came with me to work and by the time we came home you were asleep - pretty much for the night.  This cold is kickin' your butt Monkey...combined with teething.  I wish there was more that I could do to make you more comfortable.  

You're five months old tomorrow!!