Wednesday, April 30, 2014

April 21st

Happy Birthday Uncle Stu!!  It's so interesting that you've been talking about him all week...out of no where, and it just happens to also be his birthday!  So...we went out and celebrated, of course!  We went for lunch and then ice cream.  We were supposed to go to the playground, but it was closed on Mondays.  I don't know why I can't ever remember that!

You went to school with Steph and played very nicely while she worked...she was very proud of you. We came home and hung out on the porch, read some National Geographic, and then played some music.  I hope Uncle Stu had as good a birthday as you and Steph and I did!

April 20th

Easter buckets, and a morning at the dog park/playground, followed by an egg hunt and snacks with the Fervers...napping in the car, and then gardening before bed.  What a day!!

You and I were playing a chasing game...we were having so much fun!!  You tripped and skinned your nose, which had you bummed for a minute or two, but you bounced back pretty quickly.  How silly, the emotions that went through me!  I was so sad that you fell, then that you fell while having fun, then that you fell while having fun on my watch, then that you will fall a lot in life, then that I won't always be there when you fall, then that you won't always want me there when you fall.... I decided instead of staying in this line of thinking, that I'd focus on the fact that this time I DID get to be there, and that it's pretty great that you feel good enough about the world that you bounced right back and had a good time anyway.  My soul will always do whatever it can to be there for you, Kiddo... Know that...