Tuesday, November 25, 2014

November 23rd

Alison came over for breakfast.  You were disappointed that she wasn't Monica, but then you really warmed up to her too... Steph and I really really didn't want her to leave... We've got such good people in our lives!  We finally cleaned out back, so you could go and play out there on the (probably last) beautiful day that it was!

We napped a bit and then Maddie and Lee came over, and you and Maddie played BEAUtifully!  You two are so sweet together!!  You didn't want "my Maddie" to leave, but we've assured you that you're going to see her shortly...we've promised that you guys are going to see each other about every other week... Win-win for Mamas AND babes!

November 22nd

Dance class, Target in a fireman hat, a surprise kidnapping of "Mokika," and a trip to the Lego store. You're getting really good at building Legos, and you're also getting super good at ballet!  Look at your learning to do the positions!!

The Snoopy Sno-Cone maker is just as much a pain in the ass now as it was back when I was a kid...and...you love it just as much as I did.  I'm gonna have to figure out how to make colored flavor options out of natural ingredients.  There's no way I'm giving you any of the crap they sell to go with it!