Monday, May 27, 2013

May 27th

I have to hand it to myself, I've been doing an excellent job of not getting overly sentimental (on here...or out loud much at all really) about your upcoming birthday... Today though?  It's been all that the back of my throat and mind can hold on to.  My little baby!  Your current 1 year and 364 day old torso is bigger than you were tip of the head to tip of the toe two years ago!  Two years ago I was deciding officially that I wasn't going to get induced, that I wanted you to decide when to be born on your own.  (Have a mentioned that you chose the right day?  That the doctor I wanted to deliver you was working that night and wouldn't have been working again for like a week?  You kick ass...)  Sigh. Aaaaaanyway....

We did some more playing with letters and lounging (we're very good at both...I don't know if you've noticed...) and then went to Michael's for some party favor supplies.  Dolly and Rosie met us, and we got to spend the whole morning with them!  Oh, and Piggy.  Let us not forget that Piggy was there.  (I wonder if she spells it with an 'ie' like Rosie does...)  We went to Old Navy, and then got some sub-par bagels while we waited for Yapple to open...where we eventually went and had frozen yogurt without juice balls... (the juice balls are the real true beauty of me.  You don't care for them.).  You passed out within 3 minutes back in the car after Yapple and so I stopped over at Anneliese's while you slept.  You didn't see her, but she saw you!  Giant and adorable you...

We came home and went next door to Brian's for his (and our, I guess...) annual Memorial Day barbecue.  You ran through the sprinkler with Yanira, and sat enthralled watching the men play horseshoes.  Enthralled.  

Back on our porch, we played with some chalk on the family stump, played with a giant (and not safe so now hidden) stick...came inside and you watched some iPad stuff with Yanira until you decided that you wanted to "help" me make the lollipops for your party... Aaaaaand when I'd had enough of that (I love you) I put you in bed for the last time with you as a one year old!  Ahhhhh!!  My little Little!

Nothing will be different tomorrow.  I know this... And you've been in a mood that has made some of the time go by very very slowly these last few weeks... I've always wanted to rage at people who told me that I should "cherish it all because it goes by so quickly..." I was all "but I blog every day of his life so I get to live it extra...really savor it..."  Damn it if they weren't right anyway.  You were inside my body making no real signs of ever wanting to leave two years ago to the minute that I'm writing this.  It's absolute madness.

I try to not do nearly as much cursing on here as I do in real life (I'm a serious potty'll know that by the time that you can read this...) and all I can think of to say right now is peppered with curses for I suppose I'll leave all of my (some additional) sap for tomorrow (and every day thereafter.)  I just absolutely adore you.  Absolutely fucking adore you.