Saturday, December 31, 2011

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! - From Kai and Co.

It's been an amazing year for us "May" mamas, babies and families. Kai wanted to make sure that we all got to make an official last post for 2011 :) So here are Kai's resolutions, and the family pictures, favorite moments, messages and resolutions of his online family. Love and best wishes from the Triggers, and the Schulmans!

My family. We are so blessed. My heart runneth over.
By: Malissa Black

here's how we will wrap up most favorite moment of Kashtons, his very first smile, 8 days old♥ 
-Brittny Wood
oh, and Kashton says...

My resolution is to make some time for me and do better in school this year
and mine is to become a little man and start getting into everything so my mama can have a hard time :)

My resolution is to sleep all night, walk, maybe get a tooth or two.

My resolution is to pee in the potty and try not to let my two's be that terrible!

One of My new years resolution to take better care of myself so I can have more moments like this! 

Luke resolves to play with the big kids (he's such a ladies man..) and..

To master the pull up! (as much as moms not ready!)

Cinnamon's new year resolution is to get healthy and strong and run and play in the snow again this year. 

I resolve to do this again... 

Our New Year's resolution is to take more family pictures because this is our only one. 

Mommy: 1) eat healthier, something about a gym, get fit. 2) not cry too much when i go back to work 3) read more books
Olivia: 1) crawl 2) not have an egg allergy 3) not harass the dogs too much :)

Greetings from New York Kai! What a year it has been! We have very diligently watched you grow in Mommy's tummy, awaited your arrival, and looked on with awe and wonder as you have grown all year! You are so loved little buddy!Genevieve says Hello and also that she would love to eat your face (lol)! We can't wait to meet you! This year Mommy's resolution is to work on keeping the house tidier and being nicer to everyone!Joeys resolution is to make new friends at his new school! Genny's resolutions are to walk by her birthday, go to the park when the weather warms up, and take bubble baths with Mommy! We love you little buddy. Love, Janelle, Joey, and Genny 

Kai (and momma Carly),
The Christiansons feel so lucky to have been thrown together with you. 2011 was an amazing and eventful year and we are so excited to see what 2012 brings for all of us. You are a very loved young man 

For Colleen: I resolve to take better care of myself and to regain the body strength i once had. I also, resolve to try to rebuild a self image in a healthy way. 
For Max: I resolve to learn how to crawl, or at least to be on my stomach with out crying. I also want to learn how to sleep without waking up a million times or with my mommie's boob in my mouth. 

Dear Kai, I am so glad you are in this world. I am thankful for all the conversations we had when we were in our mommie's bellys. (remember when you moved, i moved....!) I am glad that we are out now and can steal eachother's toys and well I like to grab your face. 
Happy New Year my long awaited friend!
Love, Max 

Mari Bear resolves to keep growing, learn to crawl &walk! And continue to be an awesome babe! :-) 

My new years resolution 2012 is to remember that no matter how frustrating and disrespectful and opinionated and oppositional these little people are, they are my world, my everything and I have to do whatever it takes to take care of them. I have to find happiness somehow and be an example for my children. I have to make change... 

Shae's resolution is to be more helpful around the house and Stella's resolution is to get those teeth in ASAP so her mother can get more than 45 minutes of sleep. 
I resolve to bare my soul just a little more. To be more accepting of myself as I am now. And to love me for me. 

This is our first family photo together. We've been through it all this year and can't wait to see what 2012 brings us.

Cameron is thankful for such a close family and hopes 2012 brings his cousins even closer! 

Emily's New Year Resolution is to become mobile. 
Our resolution as a family is to spend more time together:)

In 2012, I'm going to learn to walk, maybe even talk a bit. I'll get better at keeping up with the puppies and I'll try my hardest to get better at eating my veggies! 

'*Live*'- I wont be afraid to try new things. Ill tackle each day and each new challange with my head held high. 
'*Laugh*'- I will look on the bright side of things and always smile. Ill try not to be so cranky in the mornings and instead focus on the fun my day will bring. 
'*Love*'- Ill be sure to spend more time cuddling. I am becomming more independent now but I know im surrounded by lots of love. This year I will learn to hug back and never let go. 

Scarlett's resolution is to learn how to walk, talk and most importantly, continue to gain weight and be healthy!! ♥ 
and Mama's new years resolution is to stop being lazy, stop eating like I am still pregnant, and be more healthy. 

Shanes resolution is to give mommy a teething break! 5 teeth at 6mths makes for a very tired mommy of 2!

Emmett's resolutions are to continue to grow big and strong, be happy always and get from point a to point b all by himself! :)
My resolution is to always remember what matters the most and to find amazing joy in the simplest of things. ♥ (This is the moment we heard Emmett's first cry. That moment was the best and most indescribable. 
Here's to a safe, healthy and happy 2012! 

December 31st - Last Day of 2011!

Well little man, you gave me a New Year's present...Somehow I got sucked into the sadness that happens to people on this silly arbitrary holiday.  I fed you avocado and staged some of your resolutions pictures and I was perfectly content again.  This year certainly didn't end up the way I thought it was going to...but you're a daily reminder that we get the things we really need in life.  I get so silly and sentimental (heh, have you noticed?...entire blog dedicated to your every movement?) and all "aww, this is the last day you'll ever get to be in your first year!"  When really?  Who cares?  Also, you're still in your first year, and 2011 is just a number, and you're growing so beautifully.  We're blessed Monkey.  And I don't even fully believe in blessings.

So that was our day.  Delicious naps and play as usual...resolution planning and wonderful food...and the best company ever.  Happy New Year Mr. Kai.