Friday, February 27, 2015

February 23rd

 It's so cool to watch your friendships grow... You, Cresto, Ella and Ro played tag...taking turns being the "tiger."  Seriously, the cute in that room was through the roof...the parents didn't even try to enter the room, we wouldn't have fit with all that awesome and cute!

We came home, didn't nap right away, went in the green room and watched some "movies."  I don't understand why you refuse to watch Paddington.  You cuddled with Harry Potter, and then we went and napped.  He stayed in the green room thankfully.  

When you woke up, you wanted nothing more than to cut.  Snowballs.  You keep having "snowball fights" in which you have me cut you out snowballs and you throw them at Steph.  I love our family.

Thursday, February 26, 2015

February 22nd

Happy Birthday Julia!!

Ok, you're literally getting lost in a chair.  It was time to get the living room back to stable.  Dolly and Ro came over to help both of us deal with our days (you two watched movies together and played with Legos, Dolly and I cleaned).  After the ladies left, you slept the sleep of ten thousand sleepers!  You even came upstairs and stayed awake for only like 30 minutes before going back to sleep!  

We mostly found the living room if you were worried.  You didn't appear to be...but still.  I'm determined to have your normal be a little more normal than this... 40 bags in 40 days, HO!