Friday, June 20, 2014

June 18th

Lordy is it hot!  And you're so sick!  

We got a pool and a splash pad set up for you in the back yard, and you seemed to really enjoy both, with particular interest in hanging out and talking to your new dolphin friend.  

Once out of the pool, stickers and painting and general silliness ensued.  We have so much fun together, Man.  You're such a love.

June 17th

Oh Sickie.  We blew up the bed so you could stay and lay down all day and watch TV and play still, but you weren't interested in laying down.  You sure do love the bed though!  You like for it to be inflated and you like to watch (and throw things at it while) it deflate(s).  We did a lot of painting, and puzzling and sleeping today.  Your cough is unreal.  It didn't stop your vocals though, nothing can stop the music in you!