Wednesday, October 30, 2013

October 29th

You were SO excited that Dolly and Rosie were coming over!  You two played with play-doh, and colored...ate lunch together and danced and danced... You've reached the phase where I can't get both of you not blurry at once.  If you click through them quickly you can make yourselves dance! :)

Dolly and Rosie left and we headed over to G&G's house to pick up Grandmapa and went to find a car!  We had a lot of fun...until we started melting down.  We were there forever.  We did get a really safe and adorable car shortly after which you started throwing up.  Perhaps this was because of the amount of cheez-its you had, perhaps it was because I'd gone outside and you didn't like that Grandmapa was setting boundaries, perhaps we're sick...I think we're not having a normal week at school though, cause I don't want to risk it.  But! That means I get to spend a garbage day with you!  They're always fun!...I do hope we're both feeling better though, this month has been a little crazy with sick!

October 28th - 29 months!!! Mister!!!!

We're gonna try for a normal week at school!  You had a wonderful day there, and weren't even running out of the door with me when I got there!  We played with a ton of play-doh - a TON - and did a lot of napping and watching shows about dinosaurs and shows about words...You didn't make me watch any of the shows I'm sick of!

I can't believe that you're almost two and a half.  Where did all that time go?  And now you're stealing my bubbly water and understanding the concept of "almost" and cleaning up after yourself more consistently than I do after myself (not all that big an still...).  Oh sweet little man...

October 27th

We had a slow and I did as we drank from our coffee mugs.  Steph got right to work on her drawing.  She was taking it pretty seriously.  You and I napped, and when you woke up, Mister, you were UP!  There's barely any toys that you're not interested in playing with over and over again, and while you are cleaning up after yourself after each activity, you keep going back and forth and back and forth between them all.  You're so intensely busy!  Also, you're kinda creepily good at making things balance.  You used to do it and I'd be impressed and kind of aware that it was likely accidental.  Now?  You seem to know exactly how unlikely to stay up something is, do it anyway - very very carefully - and check it out as impressed with yourself as you should be!  It's so cool to watch you getting really actually getting things.