Saturday, March 31, 2012

March 29th

You spent the day with Grandmom :)  You went for a walk to the playground, but weren't having very much fun so you went on the trail near her house and napped a little.  When I got to their house you three were watching The still hadn't slept very much, and were exhausted.  I had a little work to do so Grandmom bounced you to sleep.  

You spent a lot of the night with her too while I scanned family pictures.  You might have broken the Jack-In-The-Box dropping it off of the table...We're gonna take it to a toy hospital and see if we can do something to fix it.

We got home and you pooped right out!  I didn't even get to change you into pjs until you woke up at 2am!

Friday, March 30, 2012

What you're doing as you turn 10 months...

March 28th - 10 Months Old!!

Wide awake in the middle of the night...Wide...Awake...

We played and napped away the morning, then went food shopping, then came home and waited for Punkin to come and hang out with you for a while while I did some work.  You two had so much fun!  You listened to Jazz and danced and read and played... And you only had about 20 minutes of your monster crankiness that you've been having all week....Maybe it's on the mend?

"Play" for you lately has been "lets dump everything out" or "throw things off the edge."  Several of the pictures below are you playing those two games... Also, I didn't get a picture at your exact birth time this time because you were busy playing your games on video -- next post :)  Thank you for your photo editing Becky and Chrissy!

Thursday, March 29, 2012

March 27th

So, I don't feed you like you're a baby bird...I actually gave you your own Mum-Mum (that name is humiliating) as you can see in your hand...I was going to take a picture of you eating YOURS...when you turned around went after the one in my mouth.  I know...Food always tastes better off of someone else's plate...

We watched a bit of Sesame Street and you were amazed by how Abby Cadabby was both on the television and sitting next to you on the couch...

The rest of the day was more of the same...napping, playing...My keys and my wallet are missing...I adore you, but your dropping and throwing things everywhere is making me suspect you were the last one to see both of them.  The bulk of our day was spent with me cleaning and looking for it and you yelling.  Rough man.  It's been rough.  I gave up looking and decided that it was best to give up on the day, order pizza and bond over your first experience with it.  Let's ignore that the darn thing came without was pretty good, and you seemed to enjoy it!  (I's pizza...)  Crust only, but you liked it dipped in the tomato sauce... Yum yum yum... First of many pizzas my man...

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

March 26th

I don't know if you can see it... but in that first picture the gate is open... I took the picture while shaking my head at how you can turn a room into a disaster in a matter of seconds and look so darn cute while doing it...moments later, you turned around, saw that open gate, crawled to it, closed it, patted it three times and went back to your toy box...on with your day.  It's amazing to me how much I love you.

We went to the playground today, but miscalculated the was so windy!  So we went in the swings and then headed home for more naps and playing.  We are not having an easy go of it right now sweet pea... But I adore you.  We'll work it out.  Sweet sweet boy you are...I haven't been very patient lately.  I'm sorry man... I'll get it together.  But...could you stop screaming at me? :)

March 25th

Lordy, we've been in some cruddy moods lately, haven't we?...  Today was filled with whining and screaming and naps.  After a particularly good nap we had some good playing...and then Peabody took her turn being a cranky all of the animals went out back and we sat on the stairs watching them out there.  If there's ever any doubt that you're mine...we definitely have the same 'stare off and just breathe while you look like you're holding the entire universe in your soul and everyone thinks you're unhappy' face...

Dolly convinced me that I should leave the house, and Rosie convinced you that you should leave the we went over to their house where we hung out and then ate dinner.  You had an interesting eating position... Weirdo.

It's just a phase, right?  A quick one?