Wednesday, November 30, 2011

November 29th

Our morning involved movies and TV watching and naps...once we decided to join the world though we had a very exciting play date!  Back to Max and Dolly's house, and as if they and Rosie aren't exciting enough, we got to see Colleen and Max too!  Rosie slept for a while, which left you and Max to fend for yourselves...There seemed to be a constant attention triangle going on between you two and the dog - all of you were giving attention to someone who was giving it to someone else.  You and Max passed a book back and forth for a while, and then Rosie woke up and we got to take cuddling pictures of the three of you.  I'm so excited to see how your personalities and friendships grow and change throughout the years...

When we left their house we went to Target where you flirted and charmed the whole store as usual, and then we came home and played a fantastic game of Peekaboo.  You're giving full belly laughs!  You've been in such a great mood, it's so nice to watch you be so happy and enjoying things!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

November 28th - 6 MONTHS!!

Frequently, on your birthdays people will ask you if you feel any older.  Kiddo, you have been so happy and calm all day long, I wonder if your half birthday has actually made you feel differently... You were loving and happy and didn't cry all day long.  You had a wonderful time with Punkin too!  You drank your bottle and played and talked to him all night!

Happy halfie cuddler-frog...I hope you've enjoyed your first six months as much as I have!  


November 27th

Anther relaxing day at home... We ate sweet potatoes again, cooked root soup, and spent some quality time with Aunt Beth.  You are such a good eater!

Sunday, November 27, 2011

First Solid Food!

In the room (so voices you might hear):  Mommy, Dolly, Max and Rosie.  Sweet Potatoes!! MMMMmmmmm

November 26th

Today was a HUGE DAY!  We had a play date with Rosie and we realized that you were having a growth spurt decided to give you food!  You had sweet potatoes, Rosie decided that she wanted peas.  You seemed to really like it!  You were also definitely ready to eat, you've been eyeing food for a long time now, and it seems like you've been practicing how to do it for a while.  

You and Rosie played around in jumperoos and rockers and had a great time.  And after it all we decided to see how you two would do laying down next to each other.  You cuddled, and rubbed each other's was so sweet to watch.  Such good friends you two are.

Food Mr!  You ate food!  (video to follow)