After deconstructing one of your toys you started using it as a drum stick...such an inventive man :) You went over to your walker and your music table and made more music and then we took a nap. You danced along to the ladies from A League of Their Own singing the All American Team's theme song, and loved all of the pieces of the movie that you got to see. Dolly came and picked us up so we could go shopping, but she had to come without Rosie who wasn't feeling well :(
You let me bring in everything we bought from outside and get it all into the kitchen before demanding that you be part of the process. You helped me organize tupperware and choose where to put the new pans we bought. Then you played 'pull heavier things than should be possible for me to pick up out of my toy box and surprise Mama' before we decided to go to bed.
Have I told you yet that you sit like I do? You don't sit like I did when I was your age, but you sit like I sit now. Also, we have a game where you say Dada and I say Mama...and you laugh and say Dada...and I say Mama and you say Dada...We played it almost the whole time we were at the store today...and then I caught a bit of it on video - next post...