Wednesday, October 29, 2014

October 23rd

That first picture is a picture of "Mommy, are you sure?" which is a common phrase of yours lately... It's an unmistakable face...

After school you were insistent upon going to the green room where you procured a camera which made it ok to spend the majority of the remainder of the day napping or downstairs.  I worked a ton on the blog, and Steph worked a ton on your garbage truck costume.  I'm not sure that it's just because I know where it's going that I totally see a garbage truck...she's apparently a pretty good sewer.  Who knew?!

I promise that you are literally only in glasses of anyones for as long as it takes to take the pictures.  I promise I'm not letting you mess up your eyes like that... You sure are cute in them though :) 

October 22nd

You painted my face like a clown!...with a carrot.  I realize now that every time you licked your finger and wiped it all over my eyes and lips that that's what you were going for.  Makeup.  Where the hell you got that?  Unclear.  But, it's absolutely adorable.  Not entirely not disgusting, but adorable.

Dance was awesome, as was the building extravaganza that happened after dance.  You're so creative!  You build awesome things and make up the best stories for it all, too!

We got to talk to Papa AGAIN tonight!  Lucky us!!  After Papa time, you played digger with Steph's legs.  Again, so creative!  I'm the luckiest...for you, for Steph, for Papa...I'm such a lucky girl...

October 21st

One of your guardians teaches you things like walking on the yellow line so you're the most visible in a parking lot.  One of your guardians teaches you to eat ice cream and cupcakes.  No judgements, just statements of fact.

Hi Papa!  Don't be mad that it's not the most impressive picture of you, we were SO excited to get to talk to you (!!) that you had to be included.  <3