Tuesday, January 31, 2012

January 30th

Every once in a while I bring back out your jumper and it's new and exciting like it's the first time that you're in it.  Everything that you're doing today is extra adorable.  You're sticking your tongue out and playing with your fingers...it's like every face you make is cuter than the last...and you started off so damn cute!

We blew bubbles today, you STARED...and Atreyu came and played in them.  They were funny bubbles because instead of popping and making wet spots everywhere they landed, they kind of collapsed and left little bubble shells all over the place.  I'll show you some time when you're old enough to understand what I'm talking about.  (We have a LOT of these bubbles...which is awesome, cause they smell really good too)

Punkin came over since we didn't go into the city tonight (I'm still pretty sick, you seem to be feeling much better).  You two played drums and sang and played with all sorts of toys.  Fun night with my Punkin and my little squash  :)

We ended our night all crazy sleepy.  You barely napped all day!  You fell asleep in such a funny position, and then I fell asleep rubbing your back while you were in that position.  When I woke up and realized it I took a picture of it, but my eyes closed because of the flash. Sorry that my eyes are kinda open, I know that looks a little creepy, but how funny that you were sleeping like that!

January 29th

Your hair is so curly in the morning!  I wonder if it's gonna end up curly or wavy...

We had a lot of playing and standing time today.  It seemed to be the majority of what you wanted to be doing.  That and a lot of coughing.  Dolly and Rosie came over with gifts (giraffe theme!!) and gave us some lovin'.  You are a little scary for Rosie right now because you use your body a little more actively than she does.  You kept petting her head and mixed with Peabody coming over at the same time she got a bit scared.  Dolly held her and you stood up on Dolly and everyone seemed relatively happy again.

From there we pretty much napped the night away.  Hopefully we'll have kicked the worst of this cold out of us from all of the sleeping we've been doing.  It's enough of it already!