Monday, January 9, 2012

January 7th

Dolly, Rosie, you and I spent the whole day together!  We played and then went shopping and out to dinner.   Ya know, our usual... 

You two playing together is so sweet.  You both reach out to each other, and I swear you communicate.  In the car you took turns telling sad stories...but you actually took turns.  You both waited for the other person to stop!  You broke the five minute pattern though to answer a phone call.  You did seem to say "I'm so sorry, hold on one second, I've got to get this."

You slept holding Scout's paw, you ate mum-mums, and had a delicious meal at the restaurant.  You were so sad to see it end you licked the bowl!

In perfect Dolly fashion, the day after I decided you'd outgrown your favorite sleeper she unknowingly bought us one that is the spring version of the one we retired.  Elephants everywhere and "I love my Mommy" small and on the chest.  You also look so handsome in baby blue.  We love her.  We love Rosie.  We love sleepers.  Such a good day.

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